The official Twilight Saga movie website has updated the Eclipse section with various photos. The photos are scattered throughout the site in various montages, but they are also most easily seen in the cast section. Notably missing is a shot of Booboo Stewart, Gil Brimingham, Billy Burke, and Bella’s high school friends. We’ve asked Summit for info on these missing people, we’ll update you when we have an answer.
The photos are not as heavily stylized as they were for New Moon. For example the wolfpack doesn’t look like they stopped off for spray tans. Also Alex Meraz, Chaske Spencer, and Bronson Pelletier look much more like themselves than they did in the New Moon group shots where Alex in particular looked very different.
Jackson Rathbone’s hair continues to morph yet again to another style. It’s decidedly less poofy than the previous films and a warmer shade of blonde. speaking of hair, we really liked the photo of Dan Cudmore. The weird combover thing from New Moon has changed.
So which star’s look is your favorite?
Click here to check out the Official Eclipse Website!
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