Sunday, April 12, 2009

Twilight Dolls

Jacob is now a "doll" and has joined Edward and Bella. The dolls are from Tonner and are said to be available Spring 2009 ~ which would be now, right?

Thanks Cullen Boys Anonymous!!


Anonymous said...

I hate the outfit they put Belly in. lol

Anonymous said...

Whaaaaaaat?! Oh my gosh... these are out of control. Haha, they actually look like them. Love Edward's jacket!

XxX-nell-XxX said...

Hehe they are so funny but look strangly scary...edwards hair is funny tho :)

Anonymous said...

Jacob's doll is so hot, of course, I think taylor lautner is hot, so if it resembles him, it's hot

cony said...

wow! we are really going crazy with this...i don't know about you..but i want the dolls!!lol, edward and jacob's look great, kind of like robert and taylor, but bella's so not cute that the doll is touching hands with both XD

Anonymous said...

thats kinda creepy...really creepy aactually. they made bella busty. lol scary

Tara D. said...

I love them, and yes, they are creepy. I should ask for these for Christmas, lol. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

umm wow lol the edward doll looks better than robert pattinson himself lmao wow but that really looks like kristen