Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hollywood Insider Report

'Breaking Dawn': Not so fast
Apr 20, 2009, 09:59 PM by Nicole Sperling

Categories: Movie Biz

They haven't even released a second movie yet, but already there's talk of a fourth. reported earlier today that Summit Entertainment was deep in the planning stages for Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in Stephenie Meyer's hugely successful Twilight series. But not so fast, says Twilight screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, who is still working on her script for Eclipse, the third in the teen vamp franchise (the second, New Moon, is currently shooting in Vancouver). "The most I've heard from Summit is 're-read it and start thinking about it,'" says Rosenberg, who is completing her show-running duties on the fourth season of the Showtime series Dexter. More telling, she hasn't yet received one of the manifestos Meyer famously puts together before Rosenberg begins turning one of her books into a movie. Another source is also skeptical that Summit is far along in developing a fourth film. "As far as I know, Stephenie was still having meetings asking, 'Can we really make this into a movie?'" The fourth book's racy sex and explicit birth scenes make it less pre-teen friendly then the three earlier, more chaste romance novels. Summit, for its part, has no comment on the current status of Breaking Dawn.


Anonymous said...

You show pictures of the new half naked actors whop will play the 'Wolf Pack" anf then wonder if Breaking Dawn can become a movie. Heck yeah it can. Does anyone even realize that this has gone way beyond little tweens. I think that the majority of the fans are 20 somethings and even way beyond that. So bring it on. The 4th book shopuld become a movie and if it doesn't then it will be a great injustice to the whole franchise. We older fans can't wait for the marriage and the honeymoon. Bring on the feathers!!!

Tara D. said...

Yes I totally agree! I'm no tween, but I LOVE Twilight, definitely a Twi-hard, lol. I know they're saying it's not "official", but I think we all know it will be. There's no way they couldn't do the movie, that would be a stupid move on their part. Who knows what the fans are capable of doing...

Anonymous said...

i'm looking forward to the racy sex and birth scenes !! Especially the sex scenes, hey i'm only human...and i hope they stay true to it and don't leave out anything !!!! i wanna see broken headboards and feathers !!!!!

XxX-nell-XxX said...

i agree with all of you's it should totaly be a film and it would be pointless to make the first three and not the fourth and like everyone else i want to see mangeled head boards and fluffy feathers:D:D

Cris said...

Oh my Gosh! I love you guys, you make me laugh out loud... All you said is exactly what I thought, bring on the feathers and broken headboards! if I don't see that, I'll give up on Twilight (yeah right, never!).
When I was reading BD I was just thinking on how the film of this book will be the best film ever... the feathers, the headboard, isle Esme... oh, come on!!
(Nearly 30 and totally hooked on Twilight, is this normal??)

More Pictures - view the link said...

Oh my goodness... I can't help but giggle out loud. It's nice to know there are others out in the world like me - from another person's mouth "Bring on the feathers!"

In all fairness, I think the fourth movie could be done. It would just need some creativity because regardless of what some of us think (hello steamy scenes with hot vampires!!) the movie is still going to have to be PG-13 or whatever the first one was. It can be done. But I'd watch the un-cut version. Hee hee.

Tara D. said...

Un-cut, fo sho!